Wednesday, 2 May 2012

As a reference point, if you downloaded my CAD file and were wandering how big the pieces need to be, use this as a reference point.
This is the base of the arm, its diameter is 95mm excluding the bits that stick out.
The parts will need to be laser cut, I'd recommend 0.5 cm thick acrylic or lexan.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

This is the .dwg file with all the parts of assembly:

You'll need a CAD program to open it, there probably some free ones online.

I spent quite a lot of time looking for designs that I could use for my arm, most of them were either too expensive or too complicated, until I came across a 2006 model from Lynx-motion; the L6.
           The L6 is made primarily out of lexan (a tough plastic), which makes it easy to make if you have access to a laser-cutter. It also requires no adhesive, only screws.

I'm beginning my open source robot arm project, this means that anyone that wishes to contribute and improve the project can.